Are there sales every day?

Yes, there are sales every day on various products and services. Nowadays, thanks to e-commerce and online shopping, it is common for online stores to constantly offer discounts and special promotions to attract consumers and increase their sales. In addition, it is also common for physical stores to offer sales and discounts on specific days of the week or on special occasions such as holidays or sales seasons. However, it's important to note that not all offers are genuine, so do your research before making a purchase to make sure the discount is really worth it.

Is it worth a try? get deals?

Yes, in most cases it's worth trying to get deals. If you're looking for a job, it's important to search for and apply to offers that are relevant to your skills and work experience. If you're shopping for a product or service, it can also be beneficial to look for deals to save money.

However, it's important to note that not all deals are created equal and some may not be as good as they seem. Be sure to do your research and compare prices before making any purchases, and also do your research on the company or employer before accepting a job offer. Also, be sure to carefully read the terms and conditions of any offer to fully understand what you are agreeing to.

In short, yes, it is worth looking for offers and taking advantage of opportunities to save money or find a job, always and when you do so in a careful and informed manner.

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